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How to Elevate Bassinet for Reflux?

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A healthy baby will sleep between 12 and 16 hours every day, waking up only to feed every two hours. About 25% of infants spit up after eating. It is Reflux, or infant gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

Many parents worry about the baby’s reflux. They want a recline bassinet. A bassinet provides comfort to your baby. So, they do not have any issues like breathing or reflux. Also, this guide “how to elevate bassinet for reflux” will help you give information about how to elevate bassinet for reflux. 

It is crucial to elevate the baby’s head during sleep. It lowers the risk of SIDS. It also prevents babies from developing acid reflux or GERD.

For more about the baby’s safety and health, you may read. 

If you want to buy a bassinet for your baby, visit our top recommendations. These guides will help you find a suitable bassinet for your baby. 

Reflux in Babies – What Is It?

Reflux occurs in babies. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach of the contents travels back up. It is back up into the esophagus and irritates it. The baby feels pain and irritation. The stomach acids enter the esophagus. This may cause heartburn, a feeling of burning or discomfort in his chest and throat. 

Babies with acid reflux will often spit up or vomit. May have trouble sleeping, be fussy and even lose weight. There are many causes of acid reflux in babies. But you can overcome it with elevation at night and sometimes medication. Here we discuss “how to elevate the bassinet for reflux”. 

It is ubiquitous among infants. About 50% of all babies experience symptoms by three months old. It is more common in boys than girls and often goes away by age one. 

Yet, some children continue to have symptoms until they are older. If you think your child has reflux. Talk with his doctor, who will diagnose him. And treat him based on his symptoms and examine him during an office visit.

Elevated Bassinets 

Babies who spit up or have reflux may need an elevated, mesh-sided bassinet safe for a newborn. Many of these designs keep babies’ sleep safe. Or you can make your baby take a pack-n-play and raise it on bricks. How to elevate bassinet for reflux is a significant theory about your child. You would do this. 

It would help if you had a bassinet. Likes, Halo swivel sleeper, Baby Bjorn crib, and Chicco portable lullago bassinet. These bassinets provide mesh sides. It will allow fresh air to flow. It may reduce death by wedging the face against the side. 

You can also buy raised sleepers designed for baby reflux or spitting up. These include wearable pouches. That goes around a baby’s torso like a vest. 

And it is easy to elevate his body. So, he has less room to wiggle and move his stomach into his throat. 

Research shows that elevated sleeping areas help reduce crying in infants. They have symptoms of colic, reflux, and other digestive disorders. One study found babies who slept in such systems cried 50 percent less. In contrast, those placed in standard bassinets.

Not all products must be available today. These are tested and approved by health agencies. So, check with your pediatrician before using any device. May intended to treat infant colic or reflux. 

For example, doctors do not recommend using a wedge pillow. Children reach six months old. The baby suffocates from it. They roll over onto their stomachs while lying against such pillows.

Recommendations: How to Elevate Bassinet for Reflux?

When your baby has reflux or is at high risk of reflux, you must place him in a high bassinet. Research on its effectiveness is limited. Some experts believe that elevating a baby’s head will reduce reflux episodes. 

The Mayo Clinic recommends placing babies with severe reflux in elevated beds. Because they reduce symptoms, it also helps prevent complications. Suppose you don’t have an elevated bed. You can elevate a regular bed. By using memory foam mattress toppers—also special wedges designed for newborns.

Some parents also recommend placing rolled-up towels under their baby’s feet. They use this when the baby is in a bassinet besides elevating your baby while the baby sleeps. It may also help to elevate his head during feedings.

You can do so by propping him up with pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. Finding what works best for your baby might take some trial and error. And you’ll need to adjust these techniques as he grows older. But it may be the best try if you’re looking for ways to reduce his reflux episodes.

Tips for Elevating Baby’s Bassinet 

Elevating the baby’s bassinet will help prevent reflux from happening. Reflux is when food comes back up from the baby’s stomach. Food comes into their mouth, causing discomfort and pain. 

However, your doctor may recommend anti-reflux medication for the baby. You can also get rid of symptoms by correctly positioning them after feeding. Often babies sleep in a car seat when this happens. 

You can transform the baby out of the seat. And, when you reach your destination, you can place him on his back in a bassinet. 

Yet, car sleeping and other devices like these are not suitable for a baby’s sleep. Because not all products are regulated, no one safety standard applies to this. 

Research says a semi-incline position can cause a baby’s reflux to get worse. So, be practical and save your child from reflux. Sometimes, it may prolong. To reduce reflux in your little one, try elevating their bassinet with these steps:

  • When a child lies on a mattress, the acid may splash into the esophagus. This causes pain to the baby. 
  • You should elevate the baby’s mattress. If you are putting a 6-inch high mattress on the bassinet, it is possible for a baby to roll over the mattress. Don’t do this. It might be best if you used a stacked pillow instead.
  • Use a roll blanket and pillow.
  • Remove the mattress from the bassinet.
  • Place a fitted sheet on the mattress.
  • You should tilt the baby’s mattress. 
  • Place your baby’s head 30 to 40 degrees high from the feet.
  • Make sure the bassinet is secure and stable.

A.) For Babies Less Than Four Months Old:

Place a firm pillow under your baby’s head. You can add more pillows to increase elevation (You want it high enough so that the baby doesn’t need to arch their neck). 

B.) For Babies Over Four Months Old:

Sit on a high chair next to your bed. You would place your sleeping child on top of you while your baby sleeps. You can also use pillows around the baby’s bassinet if needed. 

C.) If a Baby is Still Fussy After Feeding:

You may need to have them checked by a doctor or gastroenterologist. It’s essential to be proactive about reflux. So, those symptoms don’t get worse over time.

Tilt Baby’s Bassinet

If reflux maximizes, you need to tilt a bassinet. If you have a wheeled bassinet, remove the wheels. And make this stable. Then, make solid support under the high-end of the bassinet. 

Like, you can use bricks under it. This allows the bassinet to elevate. Height should increase by about 6 inches. So, you can give the tilt angle. By doing this, you can elevate your baby’s bassinet. 

Some of the FAQS about Reflux are as follows; you may read them to know about reflux. Your confusion about how to elevate the bassinet for reflux may be resolved.

What side of the baby’s reflux sleeps on?

On sleeping, the left side of the baby’s positioning may reduce the risk of reflux. Studies say you should lay your child on the left side and lap him after feeding. So, the child feels comfortable and reduces reflux.

How to reduce the nighttime reflux of a baby?

It is a ubiquitous question. You can make the baby’s bassinet incline according to safety recommendations. Make sure the baby’s feet are lower than his head. And this one is only done when the mattress is tilting. So, you can reduce reflux at night.

Is it okay to burp a reflux baby?

Yes, it is necessary. In case of a burp, hold the tummy side of the baby against your chest. And burp them over your shoulder. It will remove gas and acid from the baby’s tummy. You can repeat this process before giving more milk to the baby.

Can gripe water help reflux?

No, gripe water doesn’t help against reflux. But, studies say that gripe water helps to relieve stomach discomfort. It helps easy to pass gas and soothe colic. But, you must know gripe water is not suitable for babies in less than one month. And the health advisor did not recommend this.

How do you hold a baby with reflux?

When you place your baby in an upright position, it may keep food in the stomach by gravity. That will take reflux and food out of the baby’s mouth. Pressure on the stomach pushes food into the mouth.

Is breast milk or formula milk better for reflux?

When you feed your baby or give him breast milk, one thing to consider is to eat healthy food. You should take a rest. Keep your mind fresh. That will impact your baby’s health. 

Avoid taking any food that causes allergies to your baby. Milk includes cow’s milk. Studies tell us that cow’s milk is best for a baby’s growth. You can use the alternatives such as soya milk. And continue it if you see the change that helps to improve your baby’s reflux.

You can also cross formula milk. It is anti-reflux or ‘stay down’ milk. Also, supported by European society.

Does milk thickener help the baby’s reflux?

Milk thickener, like Gaviscon, helps your baby’s reflux. It may express breast milk and also formula milk. So, visit your doctor because it can cause constipation.

Conclusion: How to Elevate Bassinet for Reflux?

Reflux in babies can harm their health. It can cause many problems like poor growth, coughing, anemia, and choking. Also, it can affect odd movements such as back arching and ear infections. So, you can keep your baby away by using our recommendations. 

You must use elevated bassinets and take healthy steps for the baby’s safety. 

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